Overflow sale
"The more you put in, the more you get"
Overflow or oversubscription method simply means that the more SUI you invest, the more Meadow tokens you will receive, and you will get back your SUI that was not spent immediately after the sale ends. The amount of tokens you receive is proportional to how much you put in and everyone else puts in.
This means that just because you invest 1,000 SUI doesn't mean all of it will be spent. Perhaps, maybe only 20% of it gets spent and you get the remaining 800 (80%) SUI back after the sale ends. Again, this depends on the amount you invested in and how much everyone else invested in after the sale.
With overflow method, this means that even after 100% of hard cap is reached, users are still allowed to subscribe.
The number of tokens you receive will be calculated immediately when the sale ends.
You will be able to claim your unspent SUI immediately after the sale ends.
Claim your unspent SUI here https://app.meadowlaunch.com/vesting
Last updated